Our application for a plinth in the square, including funding of £540 was approved at the meeting of the Area Committee which took place on 20th December 2018.
it will feature our new logo, the interwoven letters ‘A’ and ‘S’ which will be galvanised and painted.
The suggested wording is:
The Arts Society Lomond and Argyll, Enriching Lives through the Arts
This Plinth, showing the Logo of The Arts Society marks the 20th Anniversary in 2018 of The Arts Society Lomond and Argyll.
The Society has around 300 members with a shared curiosity for the arts and our artistic heritage
It organizes monthly lectures in Helensburgh, Study Days, Educational Visits and Cultural Holidays
The Arts Society is a global network of 90,000 people, appreciating and ENJOYING the arts
Its Volunteering Activities include Church Recording, Heritage Volunteers and Young Arts so enabling members to Discover, Preserve and Support the Arts of Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow