31 August 2024
Summer is almost over!

A reminder that the first lecture of the new season is only 10 days away!
 Tuesday  10th September 
The Classical Reinvented-The Brilliant Legacy of Sir Christopher Wren by Ian Swankie.

You already have  the lecture programme for the year in the form of the illustrated FlyerClick here if you have mislaid it! 

  • If you have paid your dues, you will be able to pick up your membership cards at the first lecture.  If  you would like a Gift Aid Form, these will be available at our first lecture.
  •  Please note that your membership number may have changed. 
  • September 19th is our VisIt to the Burrell to see the Degas Exhibition. There are still some places available. Contact Marion Maudsley. A  previous News Item gives details. 


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