30 March 2022
Back to live lectures!

April 12th 2022 at 10.30

The Invention of Photography and its impact on Early Modern Painting

Caroline Levisse

We are delighted to announce that the above lecture will be given in the Victoria Hall and will begin promptly at 10.30. We understand that some may be feeling uneasy about joining this event and we have been working hard with staff at the Victoria Hall to draw up guidelines to keep everyone safe.  We would be grateful if you would take a few minutes to read these guidelines before you attend. 

  • Please arrive in good time and register in the entrance hall with Jane Davies, our membership secretary.
  • Chairs will be spaced out to allow for social distancing but members may move them to accommodate themselves or their party. Hand sanitiser will be available at the entrance to the main hall.
  • Members may sit in fixed seating in the balcony. A committee member will be present here.
  • At the end of the lecture members may use the fire exits if they wish to avoid contact with others leaving at the same time.
  • No tea or coffee will be available.
  • Members who wish to sit at the front of the hall should contact Jane Davies (01436 842060) so that seats can be reserved.
  • Members may wish to wear masks throughout the lecture. 
  • Most importantly, please be mindful of others and respect their personal space. 

We look forward to welcoming you back to live lectures and hope you enjoy being together again.  If you have any questions, please contact a member of the committee.

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