Since September, we have had two very successful Zoom lectures. These were attended by approximately 18% of our members. Not a great turn-out but still considered by your committee to be worth the effort and expense. We have had very positive feedback from those who do login.
Our Membership secretary, Jane Davis, has been in touch with the Victoria Halls and from what they say we do not see any problem with us having live lectures starting in January. Seating will be arranged with suitable distancing and masks must be worn. At the start we will not be offering coffee but will review that later on.
Olivia Birch has a group of volunteers about to start making reproduction curtains for Hill House. Olivia sources the material and the Trust pay for it. If anyone is interested in joining the group get in touch with Olivia, her number is on your programme card.
We continue to support Route 81 in Garelochhead. There was a very good feature in last week’s advertiser in which TASLA got a mention. We missed seeing some of their Art work in December last year, hopefully things will be different in 2022.
We will be presenting Cardross Church with their Church Record in the near future. Understandably, up until now, they have been anxious not to have too many people in the church at once. We hope to hear from them soon.
We have decided to delay the unveiling of the TASLA plaque in the Open Museum until the spring. We hope to arrange this after one of the lectures when members will be encouraged to come and watch!
This information was sent to our membership in Newsletter 62 which was sent out on Saturday 6th.