04 August 2021
Heritage Volunteering Opportunity

 Replica Curtains for Hill House.

Because of Covid 19 we were forced to put our projects on hold.

Now we are hoping to resume and are looking for volunteers.

 First off  we have a Textile Project which is joint with NTS at Hill House. 

Olivia Birch is in charge and she is looking for Volunteers with an interst in textiles, sewing, applique and embroidery, to help make replica curtains for the house. 

Anyone interested please contact Olivia via email  oliviabirch84@outlook.com.

 I have put her phone number in the Newsletter which will go out today. 

 If you email her please provide the following details :
name, email address, and phone number. 

 Olivia will contact those interested and arrange a meeting to discuss the project and training needs.

 If you expressed an interest 18 months ago, before Covid, please confirm your interest. 

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