16 January 2021
A virtual tour of the Banqueting Hall at Whithall


The Edinburgh Branch of the Arts Society invites you to

a Virtual Tour of the Banqueting House in Whitehall

on Thursday 21st January at 6pm. 

The Banqueting House was designed by Inigo Jones and built by James VI and celebrates the union of the crowns.  His son, Charles I, who completed the building and decoration of the Banqueting House, was executed there on 30th January 1649.  It was constructed for elaborate entertaining and is important in the history of British architecture as it was the first building in the neo-classical style.  The Banqueting House is now closed to the public and we will visit from the comfort of our own homes.  Siobhan will explore the architecture, the constitutional history, show us the magnificent Rubens ceiling – and explain how the English Parliament dared to kill a king.

Siobhan Clarke is a lecturer and historian. She has worked for Historic Royal Palaces for 20 years.  She is based at Hampton Court Palace but also lectures on Kensington Palace, the Tower of London and the Banqueting House.  Her wide experience includes lecturing for universities, travel companies, Cunard and other cruises and she featured on television in ‘Secrets of Henry VIII’s Palace”.   She has published a number of books on the Tudor period and her next book, ‘King and Collector: Henry VIII and the Art of Kingship’ will be published by History Press in March.

 If you wish to attend, please contact

Kati Byrne at programmes@tasla.org.uk,

and send your payment by bank transfer or cheque directly to EDFAS - details are given below. You will then be sent a link to the lecture by email.

This event is in addition to our lecture programme and there is a charge to cover the costs.

Tickets are £5 by bank transfer and £5.60 by cheque (we now have to pay 60p for every cheque we pay into the bank).

Please pay by bank transfer to:
                    Edinburgh Decorative & Fine Arts Society
                    Account No:  00060655
                    Sort Code:     40-52-40

or by cheque payable to EDFAS: Mrs Nina Mair, Treasurer, EDFAS, 17 India Street, Edinburgh EH3 6HE

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